"John McCain tore up the script for his Republican National Convention on Sunday, ordering the cancellation of all but essential opening-day activities as Hurricane Gustav churned toward New Orleans.
"This is a time when we have to do away with our party politics and we have to act as Americans," he said as fellow Republicans converged on their convention city to nominate him for the White House."

Get this, after picking
the Governor of Alaska as
his VP the polls show
Bareback of the Obambos

and his very old attack
dawg Joe Obiden
taking a fast ride down
to the cellar!
All the far left
blogs included the
local knoxviews.com
have come out from
under the front porch and
are growling at John's
pick. GREAT SIGN they are
scared and know now they
can't get Bareback elected!
Get to know this lady and
you will find a true AMERICAN
Oh and with another storm
bearing down on NO guess where
the next leaders of the free world
are headed? Check it out!
She has no experience and she is running with a very old man who has had cancer? Why would anyone vote for that ticket now?
Also she was a beauty queen and
has a husband who is deep into the oil industry that she was to regulate.
Voters in Alaska hate her and they were very close to having her impeached.
This is more proof that John McCain is out of touch with America and especially the American woman. Todays woman is a motivator, an office executive, and a leader she certainly is not a mother of five! Doesn't this woman know the world is over populated already? She also is not spending her life trying to win a beauty contest or fighting pro life forward thinking women.
McCain just lost the election with this nothing in a skirt from Alaska.
This woman has a big past and it will all come out on Air America Monday.
Don't get too excited all you Christian crazies the voters can
see right past her and they sure don't want a breeder like this a
heart beat away from a man with CANCER!
First anonymous poster: You are lying. Palin has an 80+% approval rating in Alaska. Your other comments are nothing but leftwing Dem nutjob propaganda comments.
Second anonymous poster: For someone who is gay, you sure spread a lot of hate in your comments. Breeders? Christian crazies? That hate will eat you alive.
The levels of hate and lies are disgusting. Truly the worst in humanity.
Name one committe of national significance this woman has served on? She is not ready to be on the global stage and that is the reason many McCain voters will now move their vote over.
McCain has always been crazy and this proves it!
People in her own state think she is silly and hate the way she has acted since her election. Look at her in any of the pictures and you can see nothing more than a bubble headed older woman who thinks she is hot. Five kids so show on this one. Hillary has style, looks and
knows at least how to dress and Michelle is on the cover of every major magazine in the world for her fashion sense and great natural looks. Those two are the women that represent America not this
norther bimbo.
Thank you John McCain for making it so easy on us!
I agree this blog is racists and it has little to no value but still it is slightly interesting to see how small town people think. Most republicans never lived in a real city or associated with cross mixes of people and cultures. It could be the reason they are all backward and not just because they are uneducated.
knoxviews.com is the only local blog worth reading and it is a real reflection of those who are educated and diverse believe. It also gives us hope that these southern natives as they so love to be called will eventually either move or die and let this state finally grow into a world wide community.
This morning MSNBC interviewed one of the republican party talking heads and asked them about the giant experience problem Palin brings to their ticket.
When he tried to turn the conversation to the experience problem of our presidential candidate the MSNB reporter cut him off and told him ours has more.
The media will not allow these right wingers to push lies on the American people they are going to stop them before they get started and we should all thank them for their work.
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