But due to the fact he was
just about to enter into the
local political arena and
he couldn't afford more jail
time he SAT

on the story.
When asked WHY
the sudden exit from Knoxville's
premiere TV news stations Mr Ridings
replied, "Often real TALENT finds
Knoxville a city filled with retro
thinkers, who strive to keep the
pulsating under current of culture, amazing
culinary talents,
and verve hidden under layers
of lackadaisical ignorance."
Before Mr Ridings could continue,
the dean of our reporters,Thelma Vines,

said it sounded like she got a better job, and
demanded we move on to the HOT story of the day!
According to Thelma the Knoxville
Paper and all of their little baby papers
are dropping the ball on their white hot
mayoral investigation.
Just like the numerous comparisons
in the shooting of JFK and Abe Lincoln,
The story of John THE WAD Edwards

many similarities between the saga
local mayor Mike THE ODD Ragman!
With Number Two pencil in hand
Thelma jumped to her typewriter and
produced the following!
First John THE WAD Edwards was overcome
with lust for a co-worker while
flying over New York City on a Tuesday afternoon.
Mike THE ODD Ragman was also overcome with lust
for his co-worker while circling a ruby TUESDAY in
fountain CITY!
Off to a fine start Thema promised more
by Friday! STAY TUNED!
John Edwards is not a candidate so why all the fuss?
Also his wife was in remission when he was seeing this woman, he told his wife about it and it was between the two of them.
The right wind nuts are
trying to make something out of nothing as they always do.
Let it alone, there is NO story here!
I absolutely love when the Libs defend Edwards by saying stupid things like..."His wife's cancer was in remission when he had the affair."
That really makes it all ok?
The far right is obsessed with finding nothing stories about my party and I am sick of it!
John Edwards did what many republicans do except he told his wife. Most hide it but he told her and as the right trys to forget, her cancer was in remission. Remission says she is well. He did NOT tell her while she was having therapy and he did not tell her while he was seeing the other woman, he held off till she was well.
Honor is something reublicans do not not understand, look at their local city mayor! This man did the same as John but he failed to tell his wife about it. He had to get caught! John is a great man, would have made an outstanding VP and is now having major problems thanks to the far right.
America has lost a great statesman and leader thanks to the far right leaning media and it is a pure shame.
I guess it would have been better if Edwards had served his wife divorce papers while she was on her death bed, like newt gingrich did.
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