recounts in both Blount and
Knox Counties and so far is
still on the phone

get someone talk to him?
He told his campaign staff
he was pleased that only
three Democrats won in
Knox County but he is very
concerned about the Presidential
race and as soon as the recount
controversy is cleared up he
will be throwing his do rag in
that ring also! In the
words of candidate Ridings
"this thing is not over
until it ENDS!"
Staff and management is
now officially hooked on
XM radio. After installing
the units in all of our
Hummers we find ourselves
never leaving the network.
Reportedly the FCC has allowed
the two networks to kiss

Reportedly this will give those
who are signed up more stations
for less money. We shall stand by with
night crawler breath until the
last i is dotted and the last
politician's palm has been crossed
to see if it is true.
John "THE WAD" Edwards

admitted he had been playing hide the
kielbasa with a person the press
says is named "The Other Woman"

BUT John "T.W" swears on a
stack of law books he is NOT the
father of "The Other Woman's" baby.
A paid campaign worker for the EDWARDS
only as a PARTY ANIMAL

he was the father, then said he did
pay "The Other Woman" cash to say
she didn't fan the sheets with
John "T.W." but so far no members
of the dwindling EDWARDS FOR ANYTHING camp are
saying if the money came from campaign
donations. One lonely EDWARDS FOR
WHATEVER campaign worker, identified
only as Howard said, "This takes
first prize

in the SHI* for Brains
The front runner for the democratic
nomination has sent a person he
identified only as THE ENFORCER
John "T.W." and beg him to stay
away from Denver until they play Dallas,
adding if he does he will be guaranteed
two very hot Dallas Cowgirls

jacuzzi room at the Days Inn and
zero National Inquirer photographers
in the parking lot for a full three hours.
John "T.W" is mulling over the idea.
The old man band
had another sold out
show this weekend.
Here is pictorial evidence
they stayed standing for 3
A Cub Reporter
for the Media Report
visited downtown
Asheville for the first time
over the weekend. His
pictorial report reveals his
fetish for finding and TOUCHING
the graves of dead writers!
BORED? The local paper
has been opening up their
hearts and minds to
those with a computer.
If you want to comment on
what they call news AND save
the price of buying the
thing jump over here. It
is not as much fun as posting
on but it is close!
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