Right under their nose was a story that
broke locally and then nationally over
the WEEKEND and then
late THIS AFTERNOON they finally
engaged and gave it a touch of ink?
WATE had it first

and by today both 8 and 10 were deep into the facts,
but the paper was QUIET?
The story was the democrat's kid who goes to UT
who reportedly splashed Sarah's

and children's CELL PHONE numbers all
over the web!
Local TV news hounds had this all weekend
and even reported on the raids by the
feds to the kid's apartment!
When the local paper did get in the game
they really took the gloves off when
they described the alleged hacker.
"David Kernell excelled at chess while at Germantown High School and won the 2004 Tennessee Open Scholastic Chess Championship."
So what is a nice Germantown kid doing in Knoxville reportedly
hacking the next Vice President's e mail? Could it be because
his daddy is a Memphis Democrat?
Still it is hard to understand HOW the local paper
could MISS it so completely?
Staff was asked if some how some way
Hillary could join the fight as VP
would first the country buy her coming back
and second would it make up the ground the
Democrats have lost since their convention.
Instantly ZEEK RIDINGS got on the phone
and found out there is a hard rumor going around
that "Pluggs"
HILLARY may replace him!!
Question, would it replace the votes
that Sarah

the Democrat team? What about
Bill could the Democrat Candidate
talk Hillary

World in Japan until Spring? LOTS
of thoughts start to spin with this
great rumor, yours would be appreciated!
playing Saturday for a great
cause, check out the blog
and come on out!
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