The 15th is it for Style on WBIR.
The show that gave all those out of
work women sitting at home
in their velvet jump suites
something to do in
the afternoon is taking a walk into
the light.
WBIR programming is showing
Live At Five at Four and then
a dump truck load of news all the
way down to NBC Nightly.
Why the exit from locally produced
live shows and a return to expanded local
news? Heck if we know. If we could find ZEEK

about as hard to find as a buyer for all my FannyOFtheMAYs
stock! Still we hate to see Style go and

at least one of the woman

a check.
WBIR's network (NBC) is opening a can of
WHIP DONKEY on their far left commie
cable news channel. Looks like
some of the old heads got irritated
with such things as the North Korean
flag flying behind some of the MSNBC
anchors while a few of the news readers
tried to quote Lennon on the air. Truth
is they were quoting Ringo but it sounded
enough like Lennon to get them jerked out
of the power chair!
Get this, after Chris Matthews

and Keith Olbermann

during the just closed coverage of the
RNC the gods of the network jerked their
aged behinds from behind their desks and
replaced with with David "Howdy Doody" Gregory

If you can stomach it check out Morning Joe
on MSNBC and see if they talk about it. Most
of the on air fist fighting was done on that show.
Last but not least
the democrat's number one boy
put his size 16 in his mouth Sunday.
Get this .....
Sen. Barack Obama's foes seized Sunday upon a brief slip of the tongue, when the Democratic presidential nominee was outlining his Christianity but accidentally said, "my Muslim faith."

Just like the storm at MSNBC
if you made this stuff up not
one swinging Richard would believe you!
It is just great fun to watch from the
Is Style in re-runs this week? I thought they said their goodbyes this past Friday, the 5th.
Gonna miss that Glitterville. His Friday program was about cupcakes and there were so many double entrendes it was hilarious!
Sales of Depends adult diapers have hit an alltime high since Democrats started shitting in their pants over the Palin announcement. They're frantic in making up lies on an hourly basis to cover for their losing team.
Obama or Hot Mama? You decide.
Anon 5:51,
What's it like to be first in line to kiss John McCain's ass? A doddering old man who needs a drool cup under his chin?
His choice of the church lady proves that he and his party will do absolutely ANYTHING to get elected, including the sell-out of his core values to pander to the Bible-thumping wackos and hypo-Christians.
I might have supported McCain before this.
No way now.
There were so many closet Obama haters and now they are running around like freed slaves!
Today Obama called the VP to be a PIG!
He is crumbling under a WOMAN!
Can you fathom what he would have done across the table from any of the good friends of Jimmy Carter?
What if a President Obama made a boo boo and said something offensive to the Russians or the Oil Cartel or the Chinese?
He needs to choose his words more carefully.
With many thanks to Tom T. Hall.....
I was there on the day the monkey came into this world
His face was round and reddish and his hair was slightly curled
He didnt look too different from the others I had seen
Whod-a-thought he was the answer to the nations dream?
At first he didn't seem to be intelligent at all
Each time he'd start to walk about he'd stumble and he'd fall
My first impression was to be a most mistaken thought
Lord Amighty, what's this little hairy monkey wrought?
Because I witnessed his departure from his mother's womb
I felt inclined to check his progress every afternoon
One day the keeper of the zoo called in the live tv
Frankly said, I think you'll be amazed at what you see.
The monkey walked and talked and waved his arms about his head
In the corner was the stack of books that he had read
"An educated monkey!" said the papers cross the land
It was more than weary sociologists could stand
Oh, his fame was universal, he was on the Carson show
People talked about him kindly everywhere he'd go
His insight was amazing, his philosophy was fair
He became a politician welcome everywhere
His wit was not to be compared with any mind intact
He'd lace a phrase with irony and blend it all with fact
Conservatives applauded and the liberals were entranced
The bigots and the integrationists were in his camp
Nobody dared to meet him in an open press debate
He was nominated by the folks from every state
Yes, a monkey was the President, though maybe not the first
And there was peace and harmony throughout the universe
The dream I had last night has been related as it came
As for interpretation, well, its really very plain
Would you rather have a monkey up in Washington, D.C.
Or have those people making monkeys out of you and me?
I hope you smiled today. The political circus we're watching made think of this old song from years ago.
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